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Kenawy, M., and Pitarka, A. (2024). Performance assessment of near-fault buildings subjected to physics-based simulated earthquake ground motions with fling step. Earthquake Spectra.


Kenawy, M. and Giffin, B. (2024) “Model-Based Uncertainty in Predicting Damage to Near-Fault Reinforced Concrete Structures.” Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 30 – July 5, Milan, Italy. 


Kenawy, M. and Pitarka, A. (2024) “Use of Physics-based Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions in Nonlinear Analysis of Near-Fault Buildings.” Proceedings of the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 30 – July 5, Milan, Italy.


Kenawy, M. and Jampole E. (2024) "Risk Assessment of Electric Power Transmission Towers Subjected to Earthquake-Induced Landslides." In preparation.


Kenawy, M., McCallen, D., & Pitarka, A. (2023). Characteristics and selection of near-fault simulated earthquake ground motions for nonlinear analysis of buildings. Earthquake Spectra, 39(4), 2281-2322.


Kenawy, M. and Jampole, E. (2023) “Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Electric Power Infrastructure Subjected to Earthquake-Induced Landslides.” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics & Probability in Civil Engineering, July 9-13, Dublin, Ireland.


Kenawy, M. and McCallen, D. (2023) “Selection of Near-Fault Physics-Based Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions for Seismic Performance Assessment of Structures.” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics & Probability in Civil Engineering, July 9-13, Dublin, Ireland.


Kenawy, M. (2023) “Ground Motion Selection for Analysis of Near-Fault Civil Structures using Broadband Physics-Based Earthquake Simulations,” U.S. Geological Survey Final Technical Report - Grant No. G22AP00380.


Kenawy, M., Roueche, D., Prevatt, D., Bennett, J., Kalliontzis, D., Djima, W., Nobahar, M., Reed, D., Kijewski-Correa, T., Gurley, K., and Tomiczek, T. (2023) "StEER: Hurricane Idalia Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report (PVRR)," in StEER - Hurricane Idalia. DesignSafe-CI. v1.


Kenawy, M., McCallen, D., Pitarka, A., and Rodgers, A. (2022). “Seismic Risk to Buildings in the San Francisco Bay Area Predicted by Broadband Physics-Based M7.0 Hayward Fault Rupture Simulations.” Proceedings of the 12th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, June 27-July 1, Salt Lake City, UT.


Kenawy, M. and McCallen, D. (2022) “Nonlinear Analysis of Near-Fault Structures using Physics-Based Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research Report No. 22-01, University of Nevada, Reno.


Kenawy, M. and McCallen, D. (2022) “Nonlinear Analysis of Near-Fault Structures using Physics-Based Simulated Earthquake Ground Motions,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research Report No. 22-01, University of Nevada, Reno.


Kenawy, M., McCallen, D., and Pitarka, A. (2021) “Variability of Near-Fault Seismic Risk to Reinforced Concrete Buildings Based on High-Resolution Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulations,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1–21.


Kenawy, M., Kunnath, S.K., Kolwankar, S., and Kanvinde, A. (2020) “Concrete Uniaxial Nonlocal Damage-Plasticity Model for Simulating Post-Peak Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns under Cyclic Loading,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 146 (5), 04020052.


Kolwankar, S., Kanvinde, A., Kenawy, M., Lignos, D., and Kunnath, S.K. (2020) “Simulating Cyclic Local Buckling Induced Softening in Steel Beam-Columns Using a Nonlocal Material Model in Displacement-Based Fiber Elements,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 146 (1), 04019174.


Kenawy, M. and McCallen, D. (2020) “Regional-Scale Seismic Risk to Reinforced Concrete Buildings Based on Physics-Based Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research Report No. 20-07, University of Nevada, Reno.


Kenawy, M., Kunnath, S.K., Kolwankar, S., and Kanvinde, A. (2018) “Fiber-Based Nonlocal Formulation for Simulating Softening in Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144 (12), 04018217.


Kolwankar, S., Kanvinde, A., Kenawy, M., Lignos, D., and Kunnath, S.K. (2018) “Simulating Local Buckling-Induced Softening in Steel Members Using an Equivalent Nonlocal Material Model in Displacement-Based Fiber Elements,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144 (10), 04018192.


Kenawy, M., Ahmadi, A., and Kunnath, S.K. (2018) “Developing Reliable Seismic Demand Models with Limited Data.” Proceedings of the 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 24-29, Los Angeles, CA.


Kenawy, M. (2018) “Nonlocal Computational Framework for Simulating Extreme Limit States in Reinforced Concrete Structures,” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis.


Kolwankar, S., Kanvinde, A., Kenawy, M., and Kunnath, S.K. (2017) “Uniaxial Nonlocal Formulation for Geometric Nonlinearity-Induced Necking and Buckling Localization in a Steel Bar,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (9), 04017091.


Kenawy, M. (2014) “A Proposed Segmented Precast Concrete Spherical Cap: Geometry, Structural Stability and Construction,” M.Sc. Thesis, American University in Cairo, Egypt.

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